About Us


Real life support for women with alopecia because REAL is better!

VERSIDA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania that provides programs and services to women with alopecia  (the medical term for hair loss) encouraging them to live freely and fully without secrecy, silence and stigma. We accomplish this by compassionately furnishing practical advice and strategies for coping with and managing the psychological effects and social aspects of living with hair loss, empowering females to maintain wellness and balance in all areas of life.

Positive perceptions about females with alopecia is key and requires advocacy, direct communication, and education to advance public awareness about their invisible disability and how hair loss impacts a women's overall well being.

“I am so happy our paths crossed...I can't emphasize enough how much I love your platform!” -L.H.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is two-fold. First and foremost we are dedicated to supporting women with alopecia. We present programs that are designed to address its psycho-social impact that are supportive, informative and inspiring, providing an opportunity for females with hair loss in all its forms and stages to connect with one another in an atmosphere that is compassionate and confidential intended to empower women not merely to survive, but to thrive despite their hair loss.

Second, to eliminate the negative connotations about women with hair loss by steering public perception in a direction that promotes understanding and acceptance. We envision through positive imagery of bald females, continued awareness, and public support that hair will be relegated to a level in which it will no longer be regarded as what makes a woman feminine or beautiful -it is an accessory not a necessity.
Our Founder
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